
one-off at the wrist

Archive for the month “June, 2014”


Jun Kumaori

Jun Kumaori [click image]

Sometimes you happen across an image that just demands that you start to write …

Some form of performance art? Perhaps an addendum to Carolee Schneemann’s Meat Joy from 1964?


Has it really been nearly 10 years since the excellent Sin City film? Always liked the original source material, but in my opinion the movie version [with its intertwining of stories] did something really special.

There are few films that have done anything as interesting with the visual side of the story telling lately. Quickly come to mind: the rotoscoped A Scanner Darkly, the hand coloured looking Pleasantville, the greyscale only motion capture animation Renaissance.

I am looking forward to the ‘reboot’. It is one film that I am glad they didn’t rush to get a sequel out immediately. It will be interesting to see how they can up the ante this time?

wotta plank

My favourite puzzle de jour. Haven’t played with these for years. Akin to sliding block puzzles [another of my all time favs]. Can be tres difficile.


click for some puzzles

Duchamp chess

I have long wondered [as the art world loves cashing in] why there is no Duchamp designed chess set available to purchase? Possibly because it was a personal item not an art work as such? Possibly as the set is [like many of his art works] apparently long lost.

d chess

As I think the design is well lovely, I was very excited to learn that someone has used images to produce 3D models of the pieces which using modern 3D printing you can turn into your very own ‘replica’ set.

Now just need to find as interesting an opponent.


Marcel Duchamp and Eve Babitz


Oh to have TWO birthdays like dear queenie.


R.I.P Rik

R.I.P Rik


Wonderful animation …

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Running the entire tube network to raise money for Alzheimer's Research UK and War Child


one-off at the wrist


A curated glimpse into a world of infinite beauty and creativity.

The Woodring Monitor

one-off at the wrist

one-off at the wrist

Jacket Mechanical

one-off at the wrist

Discovering London

one-off at the wrist

John Martz

one-off at the wrist


one-off at the wrist